You talk. I listen. We evaluate. You grow.

GLG will provide emerging leaders with tangible skills to be more accountable, motivated, and skilled so they can lead more effectively. 


Companies We Work With

Simple Steps to Success

GLG will support you and your organization as we go through this exciting journey together.

Ready to

The goal is for you to have a rewarding and sustainable method to keep learning and growing as a leader.    

Leadership is difficult. We all want to get better. It is simple, the more you invest in yourself, the better you will be.
We will discuss your leadership journey to date and talk about where you want to go and how we will get you there.
Your commitment to improving as a leader will result in better time management. Consequently, more time is devoted to relationship building, career growth, innovation, and big-picture thinking.
Sustainable Leadership
Like any skill, leadership needs awareness. After the GLG program you will have improved your ability to communicate, influence, relate, and inspire people.

Services Offered

Here’s what we can do

Leaders will be more engaged by constantly asking these questions:


Hello, nice to meet you !

I help individuals
to become their
best version

I am glad that you have made it here to send a distress signal, and inform the
Senate that all on board were killed. Dantooine. I’m not going to Alderaan.
I really got to go.

The plans you refer to will soon be back in our hands. Alderaan? I’m not going
to Alderaan. I got to go home.

GLG teaches emerging leaders to better understand themselves so they can lead others.

The ability of a leader to understand the importance of caring for and building trust with their employees is a must in today’s business

We create a common language, unifying principles with a focus on self-leadership. Our process involves practical, philosophical, and strategic learning for emerging leaders. The approach is laser focused resulting in the ability for leaders to adapt. An effective and adaptable 21st Century leader needs these tools to sustain a dynamic and vibrant work culture.

GLG Leadership Principles

Enroll and Become Better.

GLG Leadership Principles


The Philosophy Behind our Services

We want to bring the organization/company/team/department closer together by creating a regular forum to promote and develop great leadership.  This will result in a culture that will leave you more united, loyal, and committed to each other. 


A Custom Approach for You

Our philosophy is to make this process as customizable and personal as possible.  To that end, we can explore in-person training and coaching or a strategy that includes a combination of in-person and virtual. The goal is what is best for you and your organization.



Together we will learn about how individuals think, act, and feel about their leadership journey.  We will also figure out why leaders want to lead, their motivations, and what leadership challenges are they facing.  If you are all in, we are going to get a lot done together.  


The End Goal

The goal of the entire program is to show that you can improve your leadership approach by paying attention to how you come across to those you lead.  We have a choice as to how we want to make others feel in our presence.